Schedule your meet and greet call here

Anxiety Screening: Mental Health America

Comprehensive Screening Anxiety, Depression, Wellness: Here to Help BC

Depression Screening: Center for Addiction and Mental Health


Anxiety Canada

Anxiety Center

Audio and Video Practices:

Feel more peaceful and at ease now. Why wait?

Yoga Nidra for Rest and Relaxation

Breakup Recovery

A free printable guidebook to support your healing after a breakup: Healing Heartbreak: A Reflective Journal for Women

Childhood Emotional Stress and Trauma

A useful resource explaining the influence of childhood traumatic stress on anxiety...

Gender Identity and Body Image

  1. A list of resources for trans folks and allies living in Vancouver, BC:

Resource List

2. A great article for parents  and allies of gender creative kids:

Meet the New Generation of Gender Creative Kids

Highly Sensitive Person Quiz

Take this online quiz to find out if you are highly sensitive:

Quizzes for Self Awareness

Stanford Test Yourself

Self Love Resources

Building Self Love

10 Day Body Love Challenge